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2025-02-16 04:28:57

Predictions under-over Serie Paulista - football Brazil

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DateLgTeam A Match Score Team B Pred. Odd Book Result +
02/13 00:35BrazilCorinthiansCorinthians - Santos2-1SantosOver2.52.08 vip correct
02/13 22:30BrazilGuarani SPGuarani SP - Novorizontino0-0NovorizontinoOver2.52.51 vip wrong
02/13 22:30BrazilInter de LimeiraInter de Limeira - Palmeiras0-3PalmeirasUnder2.51.7 vip wrong
02/14 00:30BrazilSao PauloSao Paulo - Ae Velo Clube Sp3-3Ae Velo Clube SpUnder2.51.81 vip wrong
02/15 19:00BrazilPonte PretaPonte Preta - Botafogo SP0-0Botafogo SPUnder2.51.5 vip correct
02/15 21:30BrazilPortuguesaPortuguesa - Corinthians2-2CorinthiansOver2.52.15 vip correct
02/15 23:30BrazilBragantinoBragantino - Noroeste2-1NoroesteUnder2.51.94 vip wrong
02/16 19:00BrazilSao BernardoSao Bernardo - Guarani SPGuarani SPOver2.52.42 vip waiting
02/16 19:00BrazilAe Velo Clube SpAe Velo Clube Sp - Inter de LimeiraInter de LimeiraUnder2.51.51 vip waiting
02/16 21:30BrazilPalmeirasPalmeiras - Sao PauloSao PauloUnder2.51.79 vip waiting
02/16 23:30BrazilSantosSantos - Agua SantaAgua SantaOver2.51.69 vip waiting
02/17 23:00BrazilNovorizontinoNovorizontino - MirassolMirassolUnder2.51.57 vip waiting
These are all predictions on the type of bet under-over of football's matches of Serie Paulista. You can access other types of bets by clicking in the appropriate boxes.
Notes. Goals: both teams score at least one goal --- home score: Score at least one goal the home team --- away score: Score at least one goal the away team

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